Gum Recession
Gum recession occurs when the gum margin moves away from the crown and exposes the root surface of the tooth. This can be unsightly in patients who have high smile lines and many patients comment on a "long-in-the-tooth" appearance.
How is it caused?
Over or incorrect brushing is often one of the main causes of recession and if left untreated, can worsen. Gum recession can also occur because of an unfavourable position of the root within the jawbone and aggressive brushing technique. Thick gums are less prone to recession. It is important to ensure that it has not been caused by gum disease.
Why should I have it corrected?
The recession exposes the root surface of the teeth. This can cause uncomfortable sensitivity or abrasion defects where the softer root dentine is worn away. If this is the case then patients are often advised that it would be far better for the tooth root and aesthetics, if the gum margin was brought closer to its original position.
How would my recession be corrected?
There are a number of techniques to correct recession. It is very much dependant on the severity of the problem and the thickness of the tissue. Sometimes it is possible to cover exposed root surfaces by simply moving the tissues back into their original position. This Corrective Gum Repositioning Technique is a minimally invasive, surgical technique. As a result tissues heal quickly and no graft is necessary.
At other times, the tissue may be very thin and a graft is needed, in order to increase the gingival thickness This new gum may be brought in from another site in the mouth, e.g. the roof of the mouth. In some cases, it may be possible to use a resorbable, synthetic 3D collagen matrix, which would eliminate the need for a 2nd surgical site.